Backyard Birds
Backyard Birds
Robert Bateman
World-renowned wildlife artist Robert Bateman introduces Canadian birds to young nature lovers. Robert Bateman uses his unique talent as an artist, naturalist and storyteller to create the ideal first birding book for young readers. From chickadees to sparrows, Backyard Birds introduces children to Canadian birds in a way no ordinary field guide can, and teaches them an intimate appreciation of some of the planet's most beautiful and fascinating creatures. Best of all, Bateman points out that a birding adventure is as close as any child's backyard. Key facts about the different species are conveyed in a field-guide style through special "sketchbook" sidebars. Features on identifying, and finding birds make this a wonderful first book for any young naturalist. From the introduction of Backyard Birds: "I hope this book of some of my favorite birds will launch you on your own adventure. Of all wild creatures, birds are the most colorful and the easiest to see.You don't need to travel to distant jungles or faraway islands. They live in our own backyards. If you just spend time
watching and listening, you will discover them.You'll see their beautiful feathers and hear their amazing songs. You'll watch them feed in winter and build nests in spring. Birds are our neighbors.We should get to know them." Backyard Birds Includes: Great Blue Herons
- Belted Kingfishers
- Red-Tailed Hawks
- Great Horned Owls
- Mourning Doves
- Wild Turkeys
- Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds
- Barn Swallows
- Chimney Swifts
- Downy Woodpeckers
- Dark-Eyed Juncos
- Blue Jays
- Crows
- Red-Winged Blackbirds
- Northern Cardinals
- Cedar Waxwings
- Baltimore Orioles
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks
- House Sparrows
- Lark Sparrows
- Song Sparrows
- Swamp Sparrows
- White-Throated Sparrows